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Studio Policies

  • All tuition is due the first week of each month. (Sept-May) For nationals team members they will also owe for June.

  • Regardless of how many lessons there are per month, you will be expected to pay the same amount each month for the entire dance season.

  • We accept cash, checks, and Visa or Mastercard.

  • All tuition that is not paid in full the first week of the month will be charged a late fee of $5.00 per student.

  •  All insufficient funds will be charged a $25.00 fee.

  • If you decide to drop a class you will need to fill out a Drop Form online, or send an email to You will be required to pay all tuition until your form/email is received.

  • Due to bad weather, classes may be cancelled.  If we cancel classes, we will do so by 3pm the day of class and it will be emailed to the email we have on file, and posted on Facebook.  Please make sure you are subscribed to our emails.  We try not to cancel even if schools are cancelled, because sometimes the weather will be better by the evening.  If you for any reason feel uncomfortable driving in the weather, even if we are not cancelled, then please do not drive, however, we will not give any refunds for classes missed.  (There will not be any refunds due to weather since that is not in our control.)

  •  No parents, siblings, or friends will be allowed in the dance rooms during class.

  •  No food, gum, candy or drinks will be allowed in the dance rooms except for WATER ONLY!

  • EDA is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.

  • All persons that are on the property of Expressions Dance Academy, LLC are expected to be respectful to other customers as well as staff members.

  • EDA will do everything to make sure your child is put in the appropriate dance class.  However, we reserve the right to have the final authority on class levels and sizes.

  • We have the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason at any time.  Although this is not something that we like to do, there are certain reasons that we may refuse service

  •               -Large unpaid tuition/costume balances from prior years

  •               -Destructive behavior such as gossip or malicious attitude about dancers, parents, teachers, or anyone else involved in  the dance studio.

  • If you dancer has to quit for any length of time during the dance year and then return, there will be a re-registration fee of $100 per dancer per class.  The way you can keep your dancer's spot on the team is to continue to pay tuition for the time he or she is gone.

  • There will be no refunds on tuition, costume, fundraisers, or anything else.  If you have paid for a costume and you decide to quit, you are entitled to still receive your costume when it comes in.  Please make arrangements to come pick it up as we will not ship or mail.

  • If you have a problem you are expected to take it up with the teacher of your child's dance class, or the owners Miss Jen or Miss Kelly.  Talking to other dancers, dance parents, other teacher, ect is unacceptable and may be grounds for dismissal from the studio.

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